Author Archives: Ivy
Christmas is Upon Us
All that glitter, tinsel and high calorie food can be deadly to pets. Keep ribbon and tinsel away from dogs and cats. We often get intestinal blockage from pets playing with yarn, tinsel, ribbon and strings. All the rich chocolates and high fat foods are also deadly for our pets. We see chocolate toxicity and […]
Read MoreIt is COLD!
Make sure your outdoor pets are dry, well bedded, and out of the wind. Check their water at least 2 times a day to make sure it isn’t frozen. When hiking, be sure to protect their feet. Ice cuts and they can get frost bite. Some will need a little extra food to withstand the […]
Read Moredental specials
Wow, our dental specials are a big hit! We are booked out for 3 weeks on procedures. If you are trying to get this done before the end of 2016, and we are too full to accommodate, we will extend the offer for you at a later date.
Read MoreDental discounts
If you remember to mention our 20% of dental offer during November and December, we will give you that discount at another time. The discount does not cover laboratory, medications, supplies or other procedures.
Read MoreMilitary Discount
If you have served our country or are currently serving, we offer a 10% discount (on services only).
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